A Letter to HRH
This is an open Letter to Her Royal Horniness.
Your Horniness,
With due respect, I cunt explain why I dickn't follow the norm, but "I want you" to understand that "everything that is" about to happen is for the best outcum you will ever experience, "within and without".
I stand naked before you with a rod for your royal pleasure. With your royal Harper playing a piece that I have composed specially to send those tingling sensations from your head, through your spine down to your vine of pleasure, making juice flow steadily from that vineyard I so want to drink from for all of eternity.
I shall proceed to your throne of Horniness, and bow as I stare at your Majestic bosom. Oh! What a bosom. Firmer than any silicon can ever be. Original, as the gods intended. With a snap of your finger, I know the guards will be let off, for a ritual is about to take place. One that will send Her Majesty to the 9th heaven and beyond.I shall kneel before thee, and set my face upon thy vine. The sweet smell shall send my rod nodding with approval, for we are about to strike this pot and make juice flow freely as sweet as they cum.
I stare up to the twin tower with a smile, they seem like they are about to erupt. I have to keep them calm. There's nothing the tongue cannot do. I shall attend to them one after the other, continuously, until I hear those Royal Moans of Pleasure that blends in unison with the sound from the Royal Harp.
Is that white wine that I see flow down your laps? No, that must be the Royal Juice, and it is running over. Oh yes! Now your toes are curling. I call it a Reverent Orgasmic Chain Reaction.
I shall lift thee from thy throne and place thee on the Royal Altar, clothed with petals of glory. Time has come to eat the forbidden food - food for the gods - and drink the forbidden wine - wine for the gods. Eruption after eruption, I shall tend thy vineyard until you beg me to split your pink sea into two with my rod. And split I shall. And this esexcize shall take place until every energy cums to a loud BANG!
unNakedly Yours,
unNaked Soul
Labels: Open Letter
Sweetie, I totally accept your invitation... I am yours to do as you please..
Oh how wait for you to make me cum in truckloads and truckloads...
Hheheheheeh, Una see yourselves! Una dey there, dey worry about Unnaked soul, dey ask, what is wrong? are you depressed? dis and dat! eheheheheheh, na "agro" dey catch am! hheheheheh, why you no talk since my brother ehn? I for don suggest different remedies! u dey there dey suffer anyhow!
On a more serious note: Damnnnnnnnnn boy! that was hot!
hope u had a fab easter...
this is a very naughty post oh!
chat soon!
We are not amused! hmph!
Naughty naughty
You're going to have to do better than that...LOL
lol @ "rod for your royal pleasure!" This guy!
lol @ Waffarian, we were indeed getting very worried-o! lol.
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