Monday, February 19, 2007

How to make Love

Good day ladies and gentle of our esteemed domicile aka blogville. Take a look outside your window (not the Microsoft one oh) and tell me, isn't it just a perfect day to make love? uhm? Just the right kind that won't hurt your stomach but will get you smiling like a thousand sunset. Well, as much as some of us won't agree, I'll like to teach you noble ones how to make unNaked Love *wink*

Are we ready? Before we proceed, we need to get certain things ready. Here are the list:

2 ounce of desire
4 arms of embrace
2 mouth full of kisses
1 greased funnel
1 pestle
2 eggs
2 cups of milk
1000 unspoken lyrics
2 orgasmic nuts
A dozen roses and a partridge in a pear tree

Now follow my instructions carefully, paragraph by paragraph.

Mix in a bowl of confession the two ounce of desire, and stir gently. Stir until evenly mixed. Align two arm of embrace with the other two arm of embrace and lock gentle until perfectly locked. Tighten up if necessary depending on the outcome of stirred desire.

Mix 2 mouth full of kisses together with the already stirred desire and mix firmly with four arm of embrace for effective result. Add the two cup of milk by squeezing gently. Continue adding until desired result is reached (Use a mouth full kiss for effective result). Make sure the two egg is not broken in the process because this will ruin the whole process.

Repeat paragraph two until volcanic gyrism (desire becomes unbearably hot). For a better outcome (my opinion) before mixing in the greased funnel using the pestle, you can use 1 mouth full kiss to grease the pestle or make more greased the greased funnel with 1 mouth full kiss before proceeding to the next paragraph. Use a 1000 unspoken lyrics within the process explained in paragraph one through to this one until completely exhausted.

Use pestle to stir the mix gently inside the greased funnel (Pound when/If necessary). Do this until you can't no more.

Put resulting mix in an oven and set at 69 degrees (don't ask why). Set at desired time, and wait until you hear a beep. Take out and break both eggs, and add the 2 orgasmic nuts as garnishing.

Congratulations! You have made the Perfect Love Cake (PLC). Smile and clap for yourself.

Now, who wants to make the next round of love with me?



Blogger Ms zee said...

wow! let the baking begin.....

February 19, 2007 4:52 AM  
Blogger Klara said...

OMG!!Am saving this 4 laterz

February 19, 2007 6:49 AM  
Blogger TMinx said...

Lol, how did you think up this one now?

February 19, 2007 8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao.. oh this was just fantastic and so creative.. unnaked your mind is a beautiful thing.. lol.. this your cake no ez @ all sha!!! like zee said.. let the baking begin!!!

February 19, 2007 12:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL very cute!

February 19, 2007 12:49 PM  
Blogger Naijadude said...

Hmmm...sounds alright.

Am I allowed to leave a comment though?

February 19, 2007 3:45 PM  
Blogger Vera Ezimora said...

unNaked: Something is wrong with you, lol. All this one you dey talk, me I'm alone @ home o! And it's 11:27pm here, no sunlight...and no it's not a good time 2 make love 4 me! In fact, I'm off to eat a tangerine *HISS*

....yes, I might be hating but so what!

February 19, 2007 8:28 PM  
Blogger UnNaked Soul said...

@ms zee: common baby, it will be just be you and me, lets do that twist *wink* lol

@tminx: from think about her (wrong guess)

@ONB: bring some ingredients when coming and ms zee must be part of them *wink*

@queenbitch: he he he (inspired by a woman - It amazing how fucked or funked you can be when u r with a woman...)

@naijadude: LOL

@vera: quit hating darling and join us in the... *wink*

February 20, 2007 12:52 AM  
Blogger Simply Gorgeous said...

Unnaked - tell me only one thing is this from experience? I don'tknow about the cracked egg business, I don't want nobody spreading raw eggs on me( nasty) you had me until that part. Or should I give you some tips...(haaa..Haa)

February 20, 2007 6:55 AM  
Blogger UnNaked Soul said...

@simply gorgeous: like a little child, I am willing and eager to learn... he he he (are you sure you know what the 'eggs' are?)

February 20, 2007 7:07 AM  
Blogger Confused Naija Girl said...

verty creative. I hear Zee's name evrywhere. Do you intend on "baking" with her.......

February 20, 2007 8:26 AM  
Blogger Shelly said...

Love your blog, very creative!!

February 20, 2007 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babe, we can bake together anytime. Love your Blog

February 20, 2007 1:30 PM  
Blogger Simply Gorgeous said...

You tell me what are the eggs. I flunked sex- ed( smile). You are too naughty.

February 20, 2007 5:25 PM  
Blogger UnNaked Soul said...

@confusednaijagirl: am as surprised as you are... not like I'm not loving it.. he he he... and baking with her will be a honor *wink*

@shelly: thanks babe...

@vanilla: thanks... looking forward to it *wink*

@simply gorgeous: LOL! it takes a naughty one to know another *wink* and for the eggs, replaces them with balls and ask your man about 'em *wink* he he he

February 21, 2007 12:31 AM  

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