Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Man in three forces

I have always knew since I knew that there are three characters that make a man (Male & Female). The trinity is in everyone. Now this trinity is not the same "Holy" trinity that some of us have learnt from bible school, church, parents, or whoever you've been listening to, but the voices in your head. I figured that there are three of them.

1. The voice who wants you to do what is "tagged" as negative.
2. The voice who wants you to do what is "tagged" as positive, and
3. The ear who listens to the conversation of both voice and gets to actualize who wins the debate. The neutral.

Everything has trinty. First we thought the atom was the smallest indivisible part of any matter, now we've seen that the atom contains three elements that defines it... anyways, that's chemistry...

The most confusing part of this is that we tell ourselves that all three voices are ours (so it seem, so it might be) . Cowards call the negative one the "bad guy", the positive one the "good guy", and the neutral one as self. The truth is how do you tell... cos sometimes the one that seem to be the bad guy wins the debate and when you execute his advice, you win! And sometimes the one that seem to be the good guy wins a debate and when you execute his advice, you loose! How annoying right? Maybe its a trick, so you'll never get to know who is who...

One truth is, they are all you. The Positive, The Negative, and the Neutral... all you! Have you noticed that all have the same voice? your voice!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babe.. you always have something deep on your blog.. are you a philosophy major?

November 17, 2006 11:00 AM  
Blogger UnNaked Soul said...

lol.. no am not... just your everyday soul :-)

November 20, 2006 1:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In psychology they are called the id, ego and superego

November 25, 2006 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know those voices pretty well lol. Sometimes my positive voice breaks into two people because I need that extra push. When that happens, one is the sweet mother type just being reassuring, and the other is cursing me out telling me what I already know "Snap the fcuk out of it, you are gonna be alright!" lol... maybe that's just in my head...

February 04, 2007 1:19 AM  
Blogger UnNaked Soul said...

@olyvoyl: LOL! sometimes we give ourselves the push...

February 04, 2007 5:45 AM  

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